About the Author

Brendan is a fan of live music, learning random languages, and using the first rather than the third person. Oh well, it was worth a try.

I've been writing various things - from stories, to poems, to music, to assignments, to a full-on language - since I was very young, and it's something that I enjoy very much. I'm also an avid reader, utilising audiobooks so that reading on the go is a little easier. I enjoy a little bit of everything, but most of what I read is sci-fi or fantasy. Bonus points for a good sense of humour.

I've completed a Bachelor of Music, and have been playing the piano since about year 7. Never did grades, and taught myself for a good while. Started writing songs in year 11, and now I'm into three digits. (In the number of songs I've written, that is, not what year I'm in.) I've been singing pretty much since I've been talking.

One of the things that I love is the power of story. The power of a true story on other people - not one that's made up, not one that's made pretty, just telling it like it is. I've seen the impact that that has on people, the impact that it's had on me - and also the freedom that sharing your own story brings. So that's something that I try to bring to everything that I'm working with, and what sparked the idea of this blog :)

If you'd like to contact me about anything on here, or Busk For A Cure, or just to talk about your story - always feel free to comment on any posts that are up, but you can also email me at brendanjamesraymond(at)gmail.com, or brendan(at)buskforacure.com.au

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